Saturday, September 19, 2015

Making Easy Applesauce with Students

Hi friends! Tiffany from KTeacherTiff here. Today I'm going to show you one of my favorite activities to do with my kinders in the fall: making applesauce!
I love to make applesauce with my students for so many reasons: it's a sensory experience they will never forget, it ties in great to our five senses unit, and it makes our classroom smell amazing for the day. This applesauce only takes 3 ingredients: Apples, cinnamon, and water!
First, I gather the students on the carpet and tell them what we are going to do. Depending on your focus, you can tie this into lots of different standards: you might predict and observe what happens when apples are exposed to the heat of the crock pot. We turned this into a shared experience for writer's workshop. One reason writers write is to teach! We looked at a cookbook and decided that we would want our parents to know how to make applesauce too. So I modeled the steps by peeling and chopping one apple in front of the students.
 On chart paper, we did an interactive writing of the ingredients. Then, the students came to my table in small groups (after washing their hands) to chop up some apples to add to the crock pot.
 We added lots of cinnamon too. Then, just a splash of water.
 After it cooked on high in the crock pot all day, we had a tasty treat! The picture looks a little funky but the kids loved it--trust me on this! If you want to make this the texture of store-bought applesauce you can bring a blender and give it a buzz in there. As you can see, I tapped out with a good many chunks in there. But that just made it more rustic and homey!
 Finally, we finished up with an interactive writing of the directions. 
 Making applesauce in your classroom is so simple and fun! I hope you decide to try it!

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