Sunday, October 25, 2015

Math Center Ideas - Compare and Sort Shapes

Hello everyone!  It's Greg Coleman from Mr Elementary Math and I wanted to share a fun math center Kindergarten.  This focus of this center is comparing and sorting shapes.

Center Name:  Shape Sorting

Purpose: Students will sort shapes into different categories based on their attributes.

Materials Needed:
- Shapes (Ex. circles, squares, triangles, etc.)
- Index Cards with Attributes Labels (Ex. 3 sides, straight sides, more than 3 sides, etc)
- Recording Sheet

What Do Students Do?
Students sort shapes under the correct index cards.  Students explain to each other how they sorted their shapes.  Students write/draw their findings on a recording sheet.

Center Name:  Shape Comparing

Purpose: Students will compare shapes using a Venn diagram.

Materials Needed:
- Shapes (Ex. circles, squares, triangles, etc.)
- Venn diagram
- Recording Sheet

What Do Students Do?
Students compare and contrast different shapes and then place the shapes in the appropriate area of a Venn diagram .  Students explain why they placed certain shapes into the different sections (different, the same) of the Venn diagram.  Students write/draw their findings on a recording sheet.

I hope you enjoyed these ideas.  Happy sorting!!!

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